Job Details: Irish Tenant Engagement Network Research: Invitation to Tender

Irish Future
Talbot Street
Dublin 1
Irish Tenant Engagement Network Research: Invitation to Tender
_ in which
AHBs are expected to deliver excellent tenant services and manage
their stock efficiently and effectively through clear tenancy
engagement policies whilst also providing opportunities for tenants to
shape and influence the services they receive.

As tenant engagement is relatively new to the AHB sector in Ireland,
and there is a dearth of research or evidence for the Irish context.
This practice is much more embedded within the UK and European social
housing sector.


AHBs have made considerable progress in recent years in terms of
committing to an organisational culture of tenant engagement. However,
further work is required, with some significant challenges to overcome
in achieving this.

Firstly, there exists a research gap with regard to tenant engagement
in Ireland – we need to know more about how best to do it and the
kind of data that we should be collecting. Therefore, a literature
review setting out good practice in tenancy engagement in the UK and
European social housing sectors, as well as recommendations for
tenancy engagement initiatives that may work in an Irish context, will
form the form the basis for this project.

Another important element of this research is that of understanding
the data related to the socio-economic and demographic profiles of
tenants is collected by AHBs and how this data, if, at all, informs
the delivery of tenant engagement practices and programmes.

In addition, while members of the TEN vary widely in size, tenant
engagement practice, resources, staffing and funding available, we
wish to encourage greater alignment in our understanding and
utilisation of the tenant voice. The TEN is therefore proposing the
creation of a shared national tenant engagement data collection tool,
informed by this research.

The main elements are set out in more detail below:


While research on good practice in tenancy engagement in an Irish
context is limited, the UK and Europe have more developed programmes.
It is envisaged that the first part of this research project will
comprise a comprehensive literature review on successful tenancy
engagement strategies and make recommendations as to what may work
best in an Irish AHB context.

There should be a particular focus on tenancy engagement strategies
and practices that have been evaluated, providing a strong evidential
framework as to how they have benefited social housing tenants and the
Some useful sources for this literature review are:

We need : English (Good)

Type: Permanent
Category: Others

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